How Does Chartering Work?

If you've never chartered a jet before you'll surely have a whole load of questions about how it works, how you find a flight, how the booking process operates, and many more questions. So let's go through a few of the more common asked questions.

Where Do I Start?

First of all, you'll need to know the basics. Where are you looking to fly from? Where do you want to fly to? When? How many passengers are travelling? Any pets going with you?

Once you have those worked out the next step is deciding whether to use the services of a broker (such as myself) or go directly to an operator to find pricing for your flight. There are pro's and con's for both.


Operators are marginally less expensive, as there isn't the 'middle man' broker finding the information and doing the leg work in finding the flight for you.

Using a broker means you don't have to do the research yourself, and brokers will always be able to contact many operators on your behalf to find different pricing for different aircraft. They'll also be able to ascertain which aircraft is best suited to your needs, and tailor any flight options to suit your requirements.

Operator Versus Broker


Operators will in many cases have a certain type of aircraft in their fleet, this means less choice for the client if their fleet has only large jets, rather than a range of sizes.

Brokers will be involved in the search for your aircraft, and therefore will expect to get the prices from the operator, and put them to you, the client. However, there WILL be a mark-up in the price. Mark-Ups vary between brokers, some mark-up by a percentage while others will have a fixed amount, and some will calculate their mark-up based on flight length, amount of notice given, or type of flight. Just like everyone else, brokers have families and bills they need to pay so they will always give their clients an elevated price to cover their costs and time.

Finding a Broker or Operator to Contact

Finding either an operator or a broker can sometimes seem really tricky, thankfully it's easy when you know how. Google can be a great tool to search for either, but other ways can be to join social media groups on platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn.

Intelli.Jet has the largest Private Jet Charter group on Facebook currently, with a following of nearly 100k members, growing daily. There is a link at the top and bottom of this page - just click on the Facebook icon to head there and join.

Inside you'll find a large number of brokers and operators willing to give you pricing on flights around the world, as well as advice and recommendations.

Below you'll find some FAQ's which I hope answers the more common questions we as brokers get asked all the time.

What's the booking process?

Once you've had a broker or operator supply a price you like, on a jet you like, and you decide to go ahead and book, the process is largely the same whether you're using a broker or operator.

You'll be asked to formally "Confirm" you'd like to proceed with the booking, and that will set wheels in motion. You'll first off be given a formal quotation which you'll need to check very carefully. Date, departure and arrival airports, passenger numbers etc all need to be verified and any specific luggage requirements need to be advised.

Then, you'll be asked to sign a contract for the flight - check the details of this VERY carefully and make sure you understand everything. If you're unsure, just ask.

Once the contract has been signed, you'll then be asked to pay for the flight. If you're booking is 30 days or more ahead of departure day, likely a deposit will be requested and a final date the flight must be paid for to guarantee it. Within 30 days most brokers will advise the final date required, or ask for full payment at that point.

Can I change My Mind?

We all understand that plans change. The contract for the flight should outline the cancellation and ammendment terms within it, but if it doesn't, ask why that information is not there and request clarification of those terms. Quite often, cancellation outside of 30 days has no penalties, but within that, and nearer to the departure day the penalties will increase.

How Far Ahead Can I Book?

Pretty much as far ahead as you wish. Something to consider however is pricing is normall only valid for a certain period of time, and this can range from 24 hours to 7 days depending on the operator concerned. As a general rule, quotes for flights over 3 months in advance will only be provisional, and will need to be re-quoted nearer the time of departure to make sure pricing is fair and consistant. A great idea is to book a flight 3-6 months ahead and pay an initial deposit, then re-confirm within 3 months of departure how much the total cost of the flight will be. Remember also that auxillary services such as de-icing (if required on the day) and any special catering requests will be added to the bill post flight.

Where Do I Check-In At The Airport?

One of the great things about flying private is the fact private jets do not use the main airport terminals to fly from. Instead, they use something called an FBO, or Fixed Base Operator. They're usually at a different part of the main airport away from all the crowds and noise of the main terminals.

When you get to within 2-3 days of your flight, the operator (or broker) will send out via email something called a "Flight Brief". This will give all the information required to successfully find where you need to be, including the name, address, and telephone numbers of your FBO, flight crew, and other information. Keep it safe as you'll need it when you arrive. Quite often FBO's have security and they may not allow you into the FBO without a written confirmation or proof of your reason to be there.

How Much Luggage Can I Take?

This will depend on a number of factors, but if you plan on taking anything other than approximately 20kgs of luggage per passenger, please tell your broker or operator at the point of initial enquiry. You may need an 8 seat aircraft if only two of you are flying, but intend to take 6 pieces of luggage each!

Can I Take My Pet?

In most cases, yes. Brokers will need to be advised of the type of pet you're taking. Dogs are generally welcome, information regarding breed, weight, and mentality will be asked about, and usually they do not need to be in a carrier or crate. Some might need to be muzzled prior to boarding however. Cats will need to be in a carrier. If travelling internationally, please ensure you are fully aware of the regulations for importing your pet into the country of arrival. These regulations do vary from country to country, and we all want as smooth an entry as possible to prevent any stress for the pet, and the owner.

Something else to remember, if your beloved fur baby has an 'accident' on the jet, this WILL be charged for, as will any damage your pet does. So if he/she gets a little peckish and decides to chew a seat, expect a very hefty bill to repair or replace that seat.

How Long Before The Flight Should I Arrive At The FBO?

When flying commercially, we all love turning up 2-3 hours before the flight and sitting around the terminal bored, and spending money on stuff we don't need! Not so when you fly private. Usually the best time to arrive is 20-30 minutes before your scheduled departure time, but be aware if you've got lots of luggage, maybe make it 40 minutes to allow time for security screening and checking of passports and ID's.

Anything Else I need To Remember?

As mentioned above, passports and ID's are pretty useful, especially when flying internationally. 

It should go without saying, but even though the aircraft is effectively yours for the flight duration please remember to respect the aircraft, and the crew. They are there for your safety and they won't take kindly to abuse or rowdy behaviour.

I've Thought Of Something You Haven't Covered...

No problem at all. Just send me an email and I'll answer anything else you'd like to know.