
Please be aware that Intelli.Jet does not operate any aircraft, and that brokers we send inquiries to also do not operate any aircraft. Operators are the suppliers of the aircraft and their fleets may vary according to maintenance schedules, crew availabilty etc, and Intelli.Jet do not guarantee availability of any aircraft type requested, until such time a flight is booked and confirmed. There may be occasions where, when the flight is confirmed availability may change at short notice, and should this occur the operator concerned will find a suitable alternative and advise the client accordingly.

We have agreements in place with the brokers and operators that we work with to pay a 'finders fee' for a referral. This commission whilst relatively small, does not affect the overall price quoted to the client as it's built into the prices quoted by the operator. Furthermore, any monies paid to Intelli.Jet or it's employees, will be paid by the operator of any flight booked through Intelli.Jet or it's employees.